Friday, April 03, 2015

Is Your Bird Prepared for Severe Storms?

Spring is the beginning of Severe Weather Season in many parts of the U.S. with tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and flooding, followed by possible hurricanes.

Sometimes during and after storms, power outages can occur.  It is always smart to have some extra non-perishable bird food on hand for emergencies.   Include a few bottles of water for your bird, as well as some paper towels, and a bird first aid kit (see link below for information on creating your bird first aid kit) Having some fresh fruit on hand can provide some quick energy food and a distraction for an upset bird.

If your bird is frightened by thunder and storms, try covering the cage so your bird feels more secure.  Placing your bird in a carrier or smaller cage and covering with a blanket or large towel, can also provide the security feeling. When possible it is usually a good idea to place your bird in the carrier or cage before the weather gets really bad, as during the storm you may be dealing with a very stressed or panicked bird who might try and fly away, or bite in fear.  

A carrier or small travel cage can be a lifesaver for your bird if you need to move quickly to an interior room in your home, or even to a storm shelter during dangerous weather.  In extreme situations you may even need to evacuate to a safer place temporarily.  Emergency items can be stored year round inside the carrier so everything is always ready should you ever need it. Letting your bird play on the carrier or forage and play inside, several times throughout the year, will help the bird feel safe and secure when you need to quickly put the bird into the carrier during an emergency.  The bird is much less likely to panic if the bird thinks of the carrier or cage as a fun place to be.

Although our article refers to birds, the same safety rules can be applied to your other family members whether dogs, cats, or other small furry ones.  Also remember to have fresh batteries in a flashlight, always.  For more great information on being prepared for emergencies, and a list of items you may want to include, please click the links below.

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