Sunni Sun Conure began the program by a show and tell of exactly how beautiful Sun Conures are and how loving and cuddly they are with their people.
As a representative of the Conure family and South American parrots, Sunni demonstrated how to cuddle under a human's chin and give kisses and tickling nibbles to a person quite professionally. She did not wish however to give a demonstration on Sun Conure flocking calls and she was afraid she would have to be loud and clear and might frighten some of the younger children in the audience. Sunni was very excited about sharing her adventure with one of her cage buddies after the program. Sunnie is on the left and her friend Sammi is on the right.

The second presenter, as a representative of the Ringneck family and of India, was Sisco the Indian Ringneck. Sisco demonstrated how to properly lift your wings and spread tail feathers to show in detail the beautiful feathers of a blue Indian Ringneck. She continued on to show the proper way to pin your eyes and make lovely clicking sounds to a human you happen to adore. Sisco also felt it prudent to show how a parrot can express their dislike of going back into a carrier when they are not ready.

Third, was Togo the Senegal proudly and quietly representing the Senegals in the Rainforests of Africa. Although a little nervous about appearing in public with such a large crowd, Togo lifted his chest with pride at modeling the perfect fit and trim as well as colorful dress of a proper Senegal. Togo, not a fussy showoff, presented his program and promptly preferred to remain in his carrier during the performance of others. He is considering next time remaining on his T-stand and letting the audience admire his features while he nibbles on a treat.

Next came Shasta the Yellow Naped Amazon. No stage fright there. Shasta prefers to have everyone's undivided attention so she proceeded to show the proper way to do an Amazon Display. Fanning tail feathers and ruffled head feathers were a real show stopper. Although sometimes a little shy about singing, she makes sure everyone admires Amazons with gusto. At the end of the program Shasta climbed off her perch and strolled along the table to be sure all birds were returning to their carriers. She also spoke to a few of the people passing by, and showed keen interest in them as they were leaving to be sure they had enjoyed the program.

And last but definitely not least, came Girlie-Girl the Umbrella Cockatoo to present the grand finale and gleefully represent all Cockatoos of the World. Girlie performed a short exercise program of how to jump up on down while holding on to the hand of a human. Of course she was adamant about displaying those beautiful crest feathers and showing the lovely yellow feathers hiding underneath as well. She also proceeded to demonstrate how to eat an ear of corn using your foot as the perfect utensil and how not to waste such good food as well.
All in all, a good outing indeed. And, hopefully enjoyed by all the people who were good enough to come out and visit with us.