As we move into winter temps across the country, warmth is necessary for us and for our birds.
If you use electric central heat, having an annual checkout of your unit is a good idea to make sure everything is safe and ready to go.
I personally add a little extra warmth to my bird room at night with portable oil filled radiators. Mine are older heaters and I have never had any problem with them. However a word of caution if you are purchasing a new one, I would highly suggest plugging it in outside your bird area and setting on a high heat to burn off any coatings the newer ceramic units may have. I would allow at least 24 hours of use in a vented area before adding to your bird's area.
VERY IMPORTANT! - Never use Kerosene heaters around birds as the fumes can be toxic and can kill your bird.
My personal research on the use of propane or butane heaters is a little confusing as it seems split 50/50 on yay or nay. Many avian experts say do not use either propane or butane heaters around birds. However, some bird owners say they have used them with no ill effects on their birds. One source I found stated that butane is not a highly toxic gas and can be stored inside your home. Whether that means you can also use it safely in your home with birds, is an unknown definite to me and I personally tend to err on the side of unknown safety, means no safety.
It is, however a known fact that propane or butane heaters used without adequate combustion or ventilation can give off excessive carbon monoxide which is an odorless, poisonous gas, deadly to birds, and even humans. Early signs of carbon monoxide poisoning in humans are similar to flu-like symptoms, including a headache, dizziness, and nausea. For birds sadly there would be no warning to let you know there is a problem.
I encourage everyone to do their own research into these methods of supplemental heating as well as gas burning fireplaces before any emergency occurs.
A gas burning fireplace has been considered unsafe by many in the bird world but some of the newer gas burning fireplaces may have extra precautions of safety built into them. Again, I encourage everyone to research and even contact the manufacturer of your particular brand for more information and safety precautions.
If you are having to use a wood burning fireplace for heat, make sure your room is well vented and no smoke is coming into the room where your bird is. Before winter sets in it is a good idea to make sure your fireplace is clean and free of creosote and any leftover nesting materials by birds who may have set up housekeeping in the chimney over the summer.
Creosote is a residue that accumulates in your chimney from wood burning and can be extremely flammable. Read more about creosote here: Wood Burning and Creosote Information
Stay warm, stay safe, and stay inside if you can.
If you use electric central heat, having an annual checkout of your unit is a good idea to make sure everything is safe and ready to go.

VERY IMPORTANT! - Never use Kerosene heaters around birds as the fumes can be toxic and can kill your bird.
My personal research on the use of propane or butane heaters is a little confusing as it seems split 50/50 on yay or nay. Many avian experts say do not use either propane or butane heaters around birds. However, some bird owners say they have used them with no ill effects on their birds. One source I found stated that butane is not a highly toxic gas and can be stored inside your home. Whether that means you can also use it safely in your home with birds, is an unknown definite to me and I personally tend to err on the side of unknown safety, means no safety.
It is, however a known fact that propane or butane heaters used without adequate combustion or ventilation can give off excessive carbon monoxide which is an odorless, poisonous gas, deadly to birds, and even humans. Early signs of carbon monoxide poisoning in humans are similar to flu-like symptoms, including a headache, dizziness, and nausea. For birds sadly there would be no warning to let you know there is a problem.
I encourage everyone to do their own research into these methods of supplemental heating as well as gas burning fireplaces before any emergency occurs.
A gas burning fireplace has been considered unsafe by many in the bird world but some of the newer gas burning fireplaces may have extra precautions of safety built into them. Again, I encourage everyone to research and even contact the manufacturer of your particular brand for more information and safety precautions.
If you are having to use a wood burning fireplace for heat, make sure your room is well vented and no smoke is coming into the room where your bird is. Before winter sets in it is a good idea to make sure your fireplace is clean and free of creosote and any leftover nesting materials by birds who may have set up housekeeping in the chimney over the summer.
Creosote is a residue that accumulates in your chimney from wood burning and can be extremely flammable. Read more about creosote here: Wood Burning and Creosote Information
Stay warm, stay safe, and stay inside if you can.