Sunday, December 31, 2017

How's the Humidity at Your House?

How Important is Humidity to Your Bird?

Most parrots are originally native to Rainforests around the world.  The average humidity level in most rainforests is about 80% humidity.  Sometimes as high as 90% in certain seasons of the year.

The average home in the winter months with the heat running to keep us warm has a humidity level of about 20-25% humidity.

That is indeed quite a difference.  Of course, we do not need to maintain such high humidity in our homes for our birds to be comfortable as the rainforest provides, but we do need a little more than 25% for both parrots and their people.  The most recommended humidity level in the winter in our homes is about 40%.

Very low humidity levels increase dry skin, itchy skin, and even flakiness for your bird.  It can cause over-preening and even feather destruction in an attempt to help the itchy dry feeling of skin and feathers.  It also usually affects humans with dry flaky itchy skin in the winter.  Air too dry can also contribute to sinus and allergy problems in both birds and people.

So how do you add some extra humidity to your home you ask?  Well, adding a cool mist humidifier in the room where your bird spends most of its time will help tremendously.  Adding a tabletop water fountain to the room can also add some much-needed moisture to the air.  You may be amazed at how fast that fountain needs filling as the water evaporates into the air adding the moisture needed.  Adding safe plants to the room can also be a great way to add some extra humidity.

 Shower Perches
Making sure your bird still enjoys baths in the winter will add moisture to feathers and skin.  Just make sure baths are early in the day allowing the bird to completely dry before any cooling of the house at night or let your bird preen and dry off in a heated bath until dry enough to be moved back to the cage.

By adding one or more of the above suggestions to your winter routine, not only will your bird receive some of the extra humidity needed, but you may find the humans benefiting as well in the improved air quality.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Winter Holiday Bird Hazards

Holiday Safety for Birds

We all want our winter holiday season to be a safe happy time of the year.  Here are a few suggestions and thoughts on how to help keep everyone safe during this hectic time of year.

Plants & Trees:  Birds should not be allowed to chew on the Christmas tree whether it is a live tree or artificial.  Unless you know FOR SURE that your live tree has not been treated with any chemicals or pesticides, it's best to keep your bird at a safe distance.  Also remember that mistletoe berries, holly berries, and Poinsettias are generally considered highly toxic plants to all pets.

Holiday Decorations:  Although not many of us today still use the silvery strands of tinsel, and if you do although it does not contain any lead, it is definitely not a good idea to let your bird chew on it.  Tinsel, strings of small beads, and some garlands can too easily tangle around tiny toes, legs or other body parts.  Not all tree ornaments are safe either so keep a keen eye on your feathered friend when enjoying the holidays.

Beware also of fake snow or tree flocking which can pose a serious hazard and possible injury to your bird.

Double check to be sure all electrical cords for holiday lights as well as extension cords to hold all the extra plugins are safely out of your bird's reach.  One small bite of an electrical cord can be deadly.

Aromas:   Most candles contain essential oils which can be very toxic to birds when burned.  Usually, the better the candle smells, the more dangerous it usually is.  Better to simply enjoy the look of holiday candles scattered around, rather than burning them anywhere near your bird. 

Also be aware of the dangers of potpourri and pine scented sprays to make your home smell like the outdoors as they also can pose dangers for your bird.

You can make our own wonderful holiday smells by simply adding some cloves and cinnamon to water in a simmering pot.  Just be sure the simmering pot does not boil dry and always unplug it when you leave the house.

Fireplaces:  Although your bird may have his own Christmas stocking hanging by the fireplace, make sure the wood you burn is safe.  Some Yule logs and holiday fire starters may contain heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and such.  A bird's lungs and air sacs are very susceptible to smoke so check to be sure your fireplace draws as it should up the chimney.  Making sure the room is well ventilated if you warm up your home with a nice holiday fire can save worry later.

Gifts:  Everybody loves getting and unwrapping presents, and your bird will too.  Just be sure to wrap your bird's presents only in plain paper or what you know to be bird-safe wrappings, and let the fun begin.  A plain lunch bag also makes a great wrapper for your bird's enjoyment of getting to the goodies. 

Edible Goodies:  First and foremost, be sure to keep your bird away from all the kitchen fumes.  Remember Teflon-coated or any nonstick cookware should never, never, never be used in a home with birds.  This type of cookware contains polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) which is lethal to birds often causing death within only minutes.  Many self-cleaning ovens are coated in PTFE also. 

Share the healthy foods you prepare and keep the extra goodies at a minimum.  No matter how much your bird begs, he really doesn't need any of the extra sweet or salty holiday goodies.  Never give your bird (or allow anyone else either) alcoholic beverages, coffee or chocolate.    Keeping some birdie treats handy will help your bird feel included with all the family.

The Other Stuff:  If you entertain a lot during this festive time of year, you may want to designate a quiet place in a bedroom where your bird can be moved while there are lots of family and friends visiting.  This can be the designated stress-free zone (you might want to take a break there occasionally yourself). 

We hope you and all your feathered friends enjoy a safe and happy holiday season.

                 Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings from

                                     The Nature Chest Bird Shop

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Sharing Thanksgiving Dinner with your Feathered Family

How safe is it to share your Thanksgiving feast with your bird?

Pumpkin is a great food for birds.  Nutritional and yummy, but best served to your bird before it goes into that pumpkin pie with all the added sugar.

Sweet potatoes are an awesome food to share with your bird.  Some birds like raw slices or small chunks of sweet potato and some prefer slightly cooked and softer.   Although white potatoes should not be fed raw, you can feed sweet potatoes raw if your bird likes them that way.  Again, give them to your bird before adding the extra sugar of most sweet potato casseroles.

Green beans are fun and good eating for your bird and are loaded with Vitamin A.  Most of us use frozen green beans these days and that is just fine for your bird.  Can beans, not so much, as they will need to be rinsed well and they usually spoil quickly so if that's all you have, make sure you remove them from your bird's menu within about an hour of feeding.

Cranberries are another great food to share with your bird, but not the canned cranberry jelled dish.

How about some pecans too?  Pecans are full of nutrition but higher in calories than some other nuts, so feed sparingly, and before they go into the pecan pies.

Speaking of Nuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and so on, are usually available this time of year and
are entertaining, nutritious, and fun to play with if you are a bird, so bring on the nuts.

I know some are wondering "What about some Turkey?"  Well, your bird may like a very small taste, but it's not necessary and should only be given within safe time limits for all cooked meats.  And no, your bird is not a cannibal.  If you are a human and you like hamburgers, well what's the difference?


Teflon ( PTFE poisoning/toxicosis) kills birds silently and quickly.  Do not use cookware that contains this non-stick coating, and remember if you need to clean your self-cleaning oven (almost all self-cleaning ovens contain PTFE) after the holiday, remove your bird from the home for about 24 hours. 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Parrots Helping Veterans and Vice Versa

There are many troubled parrots in rescue centers in need of loving homes.  They desperately need people who have patience and love to share as they begin to learn to trust and enjoy life.  Sometimes, in the same way, there are people who need love and a purpose of giving in life.  It can be an important step for birds and veterans as these men and women become a guiding light in a parrot's hope for a better future.

Not everyone is aware that just like dogs and a few other animals, parrots can also be registered as emotional support animals.  As therapy pets, parrots can provide a loving companion for many years for a veteran in need.

The group Parrots for Patriots is helping parrots and veterans at the same time.  You can click on the link in this paragraph to visit their website and see how they are helping both parrots and veterans, as well as learn how you can also help.  From Budgies to Macaws, parrots are finding love and giving it in return.

We hope this wonderful program continues to help veterans and birds in providing hope, love, and emotional support for both.

Here are a couple more links to read more about these programs.

Parrots as Therapy Pets for Veterans

How orphaned parrots help Veterans

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Does a Time Change Affect your Bird?

Daylight Savings Time, how does it affect your parrot?

You are either on it or off of it, unless you are lucky enough to live somewhere that does not change the hours of the day depending on the time of year.

I freely admit I am not a fan of time change.

Not only does it make me grumpy for the first week of change, it often makes a few of the flock rather grumpy too.  Just because the clock says they have an hour left of playtime, does not mean they want an extra hour of play time.  Most of mine will start letting me know in louder and louder voices that it's past their bedtime when the clock falls back.  Especially the cockatoos.

Don't even mention the fact that breakfast and dinner may fall an hour later.  According to my birds, meal time is non-negotiable.

It usually takes at least a week if not two, for most of my birds to settle into the new timetable.  However, I do have a few (cockatoos in particular again) who refuse to change their time no matter what the humans do.  They are on nature's time all the time. I have learned to live with it.

Instead of changing their timetable for a whole hour, sometimes making 10 minute daily changes over a course of a week or two, can make it a little easier for your bird to adjust.

Of course, you may be lucky and your bird goes with the flow and isn't bothered at all.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Halloween Safety Tips

There are still neighborhoods and areas that have giggling happy Trick-or-Treaters show up at their doors.  However, in many areas like my own, things have changed and you seldom if ever see children walking the neighborhood hoping to gather sweet treats.

If you do still get a few of those tricky visitors though, be sure to keep your bird safely away from open doors, scary costumes, and boisterous children (and sometimes even adults).

Since times have changed for many of us though, I thought a post about how to keep your bird safe at Halloween might be more along the lines of keeping the sweets from becoming birdie treats.

Sometimes I hear comments that chocolate must not be really toxic to birds because their bird ate a chocolate chip cookie, or some other chocolate treat and was fine.

I cringe when I hear these comments as yes, chocolate really IS toxic.  However not all chocolate is equal.  The dark cocoa found in Dark Chocolate Squares, Bittersweet, and Baker's chocolates are the most toxic and many people do not realize they contain also caffeine which is also bad for your bird.

Chocolate in any form should not be fed to birds. Yes, Bittersweet, Baker's and Dark Chocolates are more toxic than Milk Chocolate, but are you willing to take the chance that your bird has no problem?

It's not just chocolate treats either.  Those yummy sugary candies are no-nos too.  One candy corn may be a great sugar treat for a child, but that's a whole lot of sugar for a bird, especially a small one.

So keep the people treats for the people, and if you want your bird to share in the Halloween fun, pick up a few birdie treats, or even better, bake up some healthy bird treats of your own.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

It's Pumpkin Season!

Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds are truly a superfood.  High in vitamin A, providing calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and other wonderful healthy nutrients, makes them a winner for your parrot's diet.

Check your grocery store or local farmers market for the smaller edible pumpkins as a whole foraging food for larger birds.  Bake them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes if your bird prefers cooked softer foods, and after completely cooling, let your bird's fun begin.  You can also cut the top off and remove all the pumpkin seeds (use the seeds later) for less mess if you prefer.

Larger pumpkins can be cut open, seeds removed, baked for about 45 minutes, then cut into smaller sizes and placed in freezer bags for lots of future foraging fun.  You may also cut the pumpkin into chunks before baking as well.

The pumpkin pieces or chunks can also be smashed in a food processor or blender and added to your favorite bird bread recipe or added to your bird's chop.

Pumpkins seeds can be prepared by rinsing well to remove the stringy gooey pumpkin pulp, pat the seeds dry with a paper towel, or spread seeds on the towel or paper plate and air dry.  Then place the pumpkin seeds on a large cookie sheet or cake pan (REMEMBER: DO NOT US NON-STICK PANS THAT MIGHT CONTAIN TEFLON).  You can lightly spray the cookie sheet or pan first with some non-stick cooking spray to help keep the seeds from sticking to the pan.  Preheat your oven to 250-300 degrees and bake the seeds for about 40 minutes.  Ovens can vary so keep on eye on the seeds to be sure they do not burn.  It helps to stir the seeds around about every 10 minutes as well to prevent sticking.  

You can serve the seeds to your bird as soon as they have cooled, as well as placing some or all in freezer bags or containers and freeze for later use.  Pumpkin seeds make great nutritional treats all by themselves.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

The Spicy Scents of Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year.  The rich colors of the trees and the spicy scent of the air.

I love bringing the outdoor crisp smells into my own home.  However living with birds makes me choose safety first.

Scented candles, potpourri, scented pine cones, table top and plug-in air fresheners, and so on and so on, all make a quick easy addition to the scent of fall in your home.


Those store bought goodies are not usually good for or safe to have around your bird.  Many of these ready-make items use some essential oils and these can be toxic to your bird.

Don't fret though, because it's so easy to make your own personal fall fragrances that are safe for your birds, other pets, or anyone with breathing issues or asthma.

It doesn't take much time either and can be quite fun to create what makes you smile in the morning.  Gather together some fresh or bottled spices and let your imagination swirl.

Standard fall spices include ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks, cloves, pumpkin pie spice, and nutmeg.  Those make a good base to start with, then add anything your heart enjoys such as orange slices, lemon slices, or apples, and such.
When you have the right mix, use a small warming pot such as used for potpourri, or even a small size coffee pot that has a warm setting, or even just a small size sauce pot (NO TEFLON), add some water to your mixture and enjoy.  NOTE:  Never leave your warming pot unattended and especially a pot on the stove to prevent burning and safety issues.

As the liquid mix of water, spices and fruits warm, they emit the cozy feeling of fall that can last for hours or all day depending on how strong your scents are and how long you leave the warmer on.

Another quick idea is to create an arrangement by inserting cloves into oranges, sprinkle pine cones with spices, add cinnamon sticks, and set among fresh cut pine branches.

Enjoy experimenting with the different scents and amounts you like, and find what you love best.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Being Ready for any Emergency

I wasn't going to do another post right now about weather preparedness, but as hurricane season bears down on so many people, can we really be reminded too often?

Several times a year it is good to do a quick checkup of your emergency carriers or travel cages to be sure they are clean and ready to go.  Don't forget to rotate emergency supplies you have stored in your evacuation carriers/cages as needed so no expiration dates get too close.  Keeping a list of emergency supplies inside your carrier makes it easy to make sure everything is ready.

Setting calendar reminders to include checkups throughout the year works great for many of us.  A minimum of twice a year probably works for some.  If you don't have a way to remind yourself conveniently, then make it a habit when the time changes and you reset your clocks and change those smoke detector batteries, check and evaluate your emergency bird supplies at the same time.

For more information on what to include in your emergency kit, please check out our web site at the link below.

Emergency Preparedness

Saturday, August 12, 2017

What is a Pin Feather?

We call them "pin" feathers because they look like tiny spiky pins (especially when on the head) on our birds.  Baby birds have loads of them, but even an adult bird who is going through a heavy molt can have that spiky look too.

Pin feathers are simply new feathers coming in.  Pin feathers have a sheath of keratin surrounding them which helps support and protect the new feather as it grows.  Depending on the type of feathers growing, they can be quite sensitive sometimes and your bird may not want you to touch them when they are first coming in.  If they are a new wing or tail feather, they are often referred to as blood feathers, and they are usually the most tender when first coming in.  They do have a blood supply which nourishes the feather as it grows and if accidentally broken or damaged, your bird may bleed profusely, so you always want to take and help your bird protect these larger incoming feathers.  Once the feather begins to grow out and mature, the blood supply will begin to recede and when the feather is fully formed, the tenderness is also gone.

Many birds enjoy you gently rubbing pin feathers on the head and cheek area to help them remove the feather sheath so the feather can open completely.  Warm baths also sometimes help the feather sheaths soften and come off more easily.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

It is all about the Beak!

Parrot Beaks can be small or large, dark or light, or even yellow or orange

A parrot's beak is a very fascinating part of what makes a parrot a parrot.  Parrots use their beaks to help them climb, to open the smallest seeds, or the hardest nuts, to preen their feathers, to clean their toes, to feed their mates, to feed their own baby parrots, to give their humans gentle kisses, and of course to nip or bite at something they fear or something that simply makes them irritated.

When climbing a beak almost becomes a parrot's third foot as they can use their powerful beak to hoist themselves up to their play gyms and cages, or even to just hang by their beak as they swing from their toys.  Have you ever watched a parrot climb a ladder?  The beak makes climbing around so much easier for them.  They often use their beaks to help steady the finger or hand that reaches out to them as the first part of stepping up.  

Those powerful beaks can be used to gently open the smallest seed to get at the wonderful nutrition inside.  Ever watched a parrot close up picking up a seed, moving it around with their foot and their beak to get it situated in just the right spot for opening? Then using the foot, beak, and tongue, in unison they pry open the hull for the goodness inside.  Or, just watch one of the big parrots rotating a big walnut to just the right place before cracking that hard nut as if it were made of the thinnest of shells.  Then picking out the meat of the walnut with the tips of their beaks to make sure every little nugget of nutmeat is devoured.

Watch closely as your bird preens its feathers using the beak as a precision tool made for preening.  Taking each feather with great care and running it through the beak removing all dust and debris for perfect feather condition.  No matter if it is the tiny downy feathers that must be gingerly removed or the longest of the long tail feathers, that beak is the perfect tool for parrot preening and sharing the job with another feathered friend can be great fun too. 

If you have ever been lucky enough to watch parrot parents feeding their young, it is the most touching of all.  Although the parent beaks are huge compared to the tiny little babies, they are able to deliver food to their babies with the greatest of ease with no harm at all to the babies.  The parents also use their beaks to gently nudge the babies into the perfect position under their adult feathers to keep them as warm as needed.  To watch the gentleness of an adult parrot with its young is wondrous indeed.

But you may ask, what is this remarkable parrot beak made of?  A beak consists of keratin which is the same material an animal's antlers are made of as well as your own fingernails.  Just like your fingernails, a parrot's beak is continually growing.  However, unlike a fingernail, a bird's beak also contains blood vessels and nerve endings. 

Therefore a bird's beak is very sensitive to touch and also to
injury.  Some birds love to have their beaks gently rubbed by their favorite person, and some tend to be beak shy because the beak is so sensitive.  A parrot's beak continues to grow all throughout a bird's life and in nature, birds are busy wearing the extra growth down with natural tree branches and foraging for their food.  If you have a pet bird, you need to provide lots of wooden toys of different textures, both soft and hard wood, and possibly other materials, to help prevent overgrowth of the beak.  So you see that wooden bird toy your bird buzz saws through, is as much a necessity for your parrot as any nutritious foods you provide for a healthy bird.  Bird beaks can be gently filed down if needed, but should only be shaped or trimmed by someone who knows what they are doing as the beak can be damaged permanently by inexperienced groomers.  Beaks should never be cut by anyone other than a vet or experienced bird groomer as excessive bleeding can occur if cut too short.  

If your bird's beak overgrows even with lots of toys and chew items, you may need to have your bird checked thoroughly by your avian vet to be sure there is not a health reason for the overgrowth.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Keep your Friends Safe this 4th of July

Upcoming 4th of July Independence Day celebrations can be exciting, fun, and filled with activities.  Don't forget though your feathered and furred friends who may not love all the people and sounds of the celebration.  The pops and bangs of fireworks can be quite unnerving to some of our furred and feathered friends.

The booming sounds of neighborhood fireworks make some of my birds nervous.  The Cockatiels tend to bet a little flighty, and a few tend to get unusually quiet, sitting very still and unsure about all the festivities.  My little rescued Yorkie dog gets nervous and quite yappy at all the loud pops and sizzles and extra family and friends visiting for the holiday.

To ease any anxiety among the birds, I partially or fully cover the cage of any birds that get very upset which tends to make mine feel more protected and they do settle down better.  I include special treats in everyone's dish in the hope that getting a special treat helps distract them from the goings on.  I'm lucky that my birds are in their own bird sun room so it's easy to keep visitors out of their room.  If you bird is usually where people gather, you may want to consider moving the cage into a quiet bedroom until after the fireworks and visitors are gone.  If the cage is too big to move, a sleep cage or even a travel carrier can work just as well.

A little planning ahead of time for the feathered and furred family members will help make your July 4th event a fun celebration for all.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

4 Things You Should Know about Parrots

1.  Parrots bite.  Yes, they can, and yes they often will.  Bites can vary from a little love nip because you were not paying enough attention, to a harder bite that bruises because, well you were still not paying attention to the body language, to the really bad bite that causes bleeding and much pain.  The level 3 bite is almost always from fear or hormonal aggression which is why you must never forget the golden rule of living with a parrot, ALWAYS pay attention to the body language of a parrot.  If you do get a bite, never blame the parrot because you didn't pay attention.

2.  Parrots make noise.   Sometimes quite a lot of it.  It's important to realize "noise" is a personal thing.  Some people find a budgie chattering or a cockatiel whistling quite annoying.  I once had a person tell me their zebra finch was driving them crazy with all the noise it made.  Other people find a conure screaming quite annoying.  Then there is the top of the mountain noise level people who finally break at the cockatoo ear shattering shrill yells, or the megaphone macaw squawks.   Personally, I'm a level 3 person because to me my sun conure screaming is a hum compared to one of my Amazons imitating a cockatoo screaming.  Not even my macaw is that annoying.

3.  Parrots make messes.  Really big messes.  They are very good at it.  It's in their DNA.  Flinging fruit around the rainforest just comes naturally.  Totally destroying that $50 toy in one day, well every parrot needs to keep their beak in shape and sometimes destroy things just because they can.  Even if a bird is born and raised to live with us, that wild bird personality is alive and well.  They just can't help themselves, they must fling food, toys, and whatever else they can grab and fling.  To not be messy would be quite boring for them.   After all, a parrot's natural foraging instinct is a goal of getting to the center of things and not caring where the outer layers end up.

4.  Parrots are picky.  They are picky about what foods they like, what colors they like or hate, picky about what toys they will play with, and definitely picky about what people they like and don't like.  Just because they loved a certain food or toy last week, doesn't mean it's still okay this week.

Patience is your friend when living with a parrot.  They challenge us to help them enjoy a healthy diet, use their awesome intelligence in play and foraging, and encourage trust and love to help avoid the bite.  If you love a parrot, then you are a pretty cool person.  If you are loved by a parrot, then you are a very cool person.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Shopping for Safe and Edible Plants Locally

There are many plants and flowers that are safe for your bird, some are even edible providing health benefits as well as tasty treats.  A great place to find healthy plants and information can be right in your own backyard so to speak.

Check out plant sales sponsored by your local Master Gardeners Association and help support local volunteer gardeners and their special projects in your area.

These groups may work with local food banks in providing fresh produce, youth groups such as 4H clubs, city beautification projects, and much more.  So when you purchase your safe bird plants and edible flowers for your birds, you are helping to give back to your community too.

Check out our Pinterest Board: Safe Plants and Edible Flowers for Birds with lots of photos of safe plants and flowers.  Also be sure to visit our website at: Safe Plants and Trees for Birds for a more complete list of plants and trees that are considered safe for parrots.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Parrot Shopping at Your Local Farmers Market

Have you checked out your local Farmers Market yet?

It's a great place to shop for your parrot.

Fresh foods, organic foods, locally grown foods, super nutrition at reasonable prices.

In the south, I already have some great food choices at my local market for my parrots such as strawberries, lots of fresh greens, non-acid tomatoes, and sweet potatoes,

Visit your local farmers market and get to know the growers to find out the best time to shop, when certain foods will most likely be available,  You can also find some great starter plants for your own garden.  I purchased two cherry tomato plants myself this morning.  They are sweet small cherry tomatoes and my parrots and grandchildren love them.  I'm trying to decide whether to plant them in my flower bed or in some pots on the patio.  Either way, we will all enjoy them this summer.

By shopping at your local farmers market for your parrots and yourself, you not only guarantee your food is super fresh and the highest quality nutrition, you will also help support your local farmers who work hard to provide good food at good prices.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

It's That Time of Year Again!

Got the Spring Cleaning bug?  I think Spring is a great time to thoroughly clean your Bird's Home and surrounding birdie area.

Here are a few tips to help you out.

Tip 1 - Remember to remove bird from cage to fun play area with lots of toys and treats to keep your bird occupied before beginning cleaning project. As many of us know, some birds simply do not like anyone messing with their stuff.  So keeping them occupied elsewhere, hopefully, may keep them from noticing what you are up to.

Tip 1 Rule:  Always respect the bird and his or her personal "things" if you value fingers and such.

Tip 2 - Remove all bird toys and perches from cage prior to cleaning. This is a great time to thoroughly inspect all toys for wear and tear and throw out anything that might not still be safe. Check for strings, shredded cloth or rope, bird poop that can't be cleaned away, chewed wood that has any sharp places, and so on.

Tip 2 Rule:   When in doubt, throw it out.

Tip 3 - Wooden and trimming perches such as concrete, sand, and such, can be soaked in a sink or bathtub in gentle dish detergent and water.  Be sure to thoroughly rinse and air dry before returning to your bird's cage or play area. Perches made of Rope and Sisal, or other such materials, can be brushed with a stiff bristle brush to help remove dried on poop, or food.  Although some people may gasp, both wood and rope or cotton perches can be run through a gentle dishwasher cycle after brushing to better clean them.  Again, make sure they are completely dry before returning to your bird.  Throw out any perches that look like they might trap tiny toes or toenails, or wood that looks splintered and possibly a foot hazard.  It may be time to add new perches and throw out the old, using different sizes for foot exercise.

Tip 3 Rule:  Perches that are not completely dry, can cause foot problems so taking the time to be sure they are dry is well worth it.

Tip 4 - Cages and play areas can be washed with vinegar and water, or a mixture of gentle dish detergent and water.  Always rinse well after cleaning.  Our bird store also carries products specifically made to clean cages, perches, and toys, that are bird safe.

NEVER use cleaners such as  Mr. Clean, Lysol, Soft Scrub, Windex, 409, etc. to clean anything your bird can come in contact with.  Almost all household cleaners 
can be deadly to your bird. Bleach is not recommended for cleaning as it is toxic if inhaled by your bird  (or you for that matter), is very caustic to cage finishes, and can burn skin if splashed accidentally.

If your cage is small enough, try putting it in the shower or bathtub for cleaning.  Be sure to put down a towel or bath mat to prevent scratching tub or shower finishes. 

You can also roll larger cages outdoors and use a garden hose to clean.  If using a power washer, you will probably want to set to a low-pressure setting to prevent paint damage to cage.

Tip 4 Rule:   Remember birds have very sensitive respiratory systems so if your cleaner smells strong to you, then is more than likely is not a good idea to use it around your bird.

Tip 5 - Once everything is nice and clean, add a couple of new toys as a reward before returning your bird to his or her home.  After all, your bird is going to know you have been messing with his or her stuff no matter how stealthy you think you have been, and new toys may help soothe things over for you.

Tip 5 Rule:  Now enjoy your Spring and your Bird's new clean area.

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Spring Severe Weather Prepardeness

A little planning can save valuable minutes in an emergency.

Although any time of year can have weather related emergencies, spring often brings tornados, floods, severe thunderstorms, lightning strikes, power outages, or early hurricanes, for many parts of the country.

Being prepared ahead of time can be key to avoiding a lot of worry, and can help keep both you and your bird safe during any weather emergency.

Severe weather can often cause power outages so it's always good to have some extra non-perishable bird food on hand for such an event.  Include a few bottles of water, as well as some paper towels, and a bird first aid kit.  If you don't have a smart phone with a flashlight app, you can include a flashlight with extra batteries.  Make sure to have either a carrier or small travel cage and a thick towel or cover.  Having some fresh fruit on hand can provide some quick energy nutrition as well as providing a distraction for an upset bird.

If your bird is frightened by thunderstorms, placing your bird in a carrier or smaller cage and covering, can provide the security feeling your bird may need.  Placing your bird in the carrier or cage before the weather gets bad, can be especially helpful, as during the storm you may be dealing with a very stressed or panicked bird who might try and fly away, or bite in fear.

A carrier can be a lifesaver for your bird if you need to move quickly to an interior room in your home, to a storm shelter, or even evacuate during dangerous weather events.  Emergency items can be stored year-round inside the carrier so everything is always ready when you need it.

Some birds may relate carriers to not so good events such as vet visits.  Begin early to teach your bird that his or her carrier can be a cool place to hang out.  Make the carrier available to your bird often throughout the year with treats and favorite toys inside.  Bird treats and foot toys that your bird can go into the carrier and retrieve can be good training.

It's always a very good idea to have a towel stored with your carrier supplies in the event your bird never learns to like the carrier, as it can be used a quick wrap to move your bird from cage to carrier.  Don't worry about removing the towel, just deposit bird and towel into the carrier.  Birds pick up quickly on human emotion and if you are nervous or stressed by the weather, then even the bird that is a sweetheart, may be nippier than usual and avoiding the bite will benefit both you and your bird.  The towel in the carrier may also provide a snuggle place or even an object to nip at instead of you.

Let us know if there is a must-have for your severe weather emergency kit.