The following is a Press Release we have received concerning the emergency situation in Japan concerning zoos and aquariums that also may include parrots.
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) Zoos and aquariums affected by earthquake and tsunami in Japan
WAZA organizes the “Donate for Japan” emergency assistance operation Gland, Switzerland (March 15th 2011):After the earthquake and tsunami that has affected the North of Japan on March 11th, WAZA is joining forces with its Japanese regional association (JAZA) and its member institutions to help the zoos and aquariums in the North of Japan.
"After the horrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan, WAZA is trying to provide financial support for emergency assistance. The most affected zoos and aquariums urgently need help in order to protect staff and save animals", says Gerald Dick, Executive Director of WAZA - the World Association of Zoos and
Huge damages happened in the northern part of Honshu island. Some affected zoos and aquariums are suffering from shortage of gas, fuel for heater, food and drinking water for both humans and animals.
Some aquariums in Tohoku area (north part of Honshu Island) have been heavily affected by the earthquake.
Sendai Marinpia Matsushima aquarium was completely-flooded but there was miraculously no human damage.
Sendai Yagiyama Zoo estimates a shortage of feeding stuff. The power is out in Sendai city. JAZA is considering concrete measures to send feeding stuff to Sendai Yagiyama Zoo.
The power is also out at Akita Omoriyama zoo, Morioka Zoo, Asamushi aquarium and Hitachi Kamine Zoo.
Fukushima aquarium will move their sea mammals and birds to Kamogawa Sea World.
"It is most important for us to secure the adequate means of transport. And we have started a drive to collect donations from the public." says Kazutoshi Takami, Zoo Veterinarian at Osaka Municipal Tennoji Zoological Gardens.
WAZA is now organizing the cooperation and support for the disaster-affected institutions by collecting donations through its website. Click on the "Donate for Japan"
[ ] button on the WAZA
homepage and help us support JAZA.
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) Zoos and aquariums affected by earthquake and tsunami in Japan
WAZA organizes the “Donate for Japan” emergency assistance operation Gland, Switzerland (March 15th 2011):After the earthquake and tsunami that has affected the North of Japan on March 11th, WAZA is joining forces with its Japanese regional association (JAZA) and its member institutions to help the zoos and aquariums in the North of Japan.
"After the horrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan, WAZA is trying to provide financial support for emergency assistance. The most affected zoos and aquariums urgently need help in order to protect staff and save animals", says Gerald Dick, Executive Director of WAZA - the World Association of Zoos and
Huge damages happened in the northern part of Honshu island. Some affected zoos and aquariums are suffering from shortage of gas, fuel for heater, food and drinking water for both humans and animals.
Some aquariums in Tohoku area (north part of Honshu Island) have been heavily affected by the earthquake.
Sendai Marinpia Matsushima aquarium was completely-flooded but there was miraculously no human damage.
Sendai Yagiyama Zoo estimates a shortage of feeding stuff. The power is out in Sendai city. JAZA is considering concrete measures to send feeding stuff to Sendai Yagiyama Zoo.
The power is also out at Akita Omoriyama zoo, Morioka Zoo, Asamushi aquarium and Hitachi Kamine Zoo.
Fukushima aquarium will move their sea mammals and birds to Kamogawa Sea World.
"It is most important for us to secure the adequate means of transport. And we have started a drive to collect donations from the public." says Kazutoshi Takami, Zoo Veterinarian at Osaka Municipal Tennoji Zoological Gardens.
WAZA is now organizing the cooperation and support for the disaster-affected institutions by collecting donations through its website. Click on the "Donate for Japan"
[ ] button on the WAZA
homepage and help us support JAZA.