Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 AFA Convention

The American Federation of Aviculture Convention 2009 ~ Houston TX August 5-8, Wednesday-SaturdayTheme: "Aviculture: Branching Out"Art work: The Blue-headed Pionus

The 2009 convention will be in Houston, Texas August 5-8, 2009 at the Hilton Houston North on Greenspoint Drive. The day trip will be to the Houston Zoo on Wednesday afternoon after the House of Delegates meeting. Below is a preliminary list of speakers. Others will be confirmed later this week.* * CEU credits for those desiring the same will be through RACE (Registry ofApproved Continuing Education .) * *For more information or to Register go to www.afabirds /

SUPER 8 raffle prizes, winning ticket drawn at banquet Saturday night:· $1,000 cash donated by Dr. Christopher Chinnici and Charlie the African Grey· Belize Retreat donated by Carolyn and John Carr· Blue-cheeked Amazon print donated by Gamini Ratnavira· San Francisco Getaway donated by Mary Ellen LePage· Parrot Bed Quilt donated by Ardith Raine, sewn and quilted by Sharon Garsee· Opal and Diamond Ring donated by Pat Chinnici· Nursery Hospital 2A Solid State Brooder donated by Joe Freed· Bow Front Cage donated by Super Pet* 1 lucky person will WIN A LAPTOP just for registering and attending! *Please read all details and rules at www.afabirdsClick on "2009 Convention" and see drop down menu for printable raffle tickets and speaker topics. Winner need not be present to win Super 8 items. Keynote Address: Ian Tizard, BVMS, Ph.D., ACVM

Speakers: · Sharman Hoppes, DVM, Ph.D.Sponsored by Texas A & M University Schubot Exotic Bird Health CenterUpdate on Proventricular Dilatation Disease Allergic Alveolitis

Darrel Styles, DVM, Ph.D.Socialization of the Parrot from Hatch Through Maturity The Physics of Feather Color Generation in Parrots and Basic Avian Genetics of Psittacine Color Mutations

Mark SargentPionus Parrots · Matt Baird The Galah in Aviculture Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos

Kshmir Csaky Easing the Transitions in Life of Captive Birds A Comparative Observation of Hyacinth Macaws in Captivity and in the Wild

Roger G. Sweeney Considering Avian Social Systems in Aviculture Behavioral Solutions in Aviculture Management

Jason Crean Whitebacked MousebirdsLineolated Parakeets

Rick Jordan Sponsored by International Conure Association Conures: World's Greatest Pet Bird and Breeder Bird

Dick Schroeder The Hornbills

Bonnie Zimmerman Sponsored by Indonesian Parrot Project Project Abbotti - Conserving the World's Rarest Cockatoo

Chris Biro Sponsored by International Conure Association Importance of Flight and the Freeflying Lifestyle

Marshall Liger Practicing Safe Avian Restraint and Proper Grooming

Donald Brightsmith, Ph.D.Sponsored by Texas A & M University Schubot Exotic Bird Health CenterPsittacine Nutrition Research: Tambopata to Texas and Beyond Macaw and Parrot Ecology and Conservation Research in South America

Caroline Efstathion Structure and Function of the Avian Respiratory System

Tony PittmanThe Slender-billed Conure in the Wild and in the Aviary

Robert R. GabelU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Juan Cornejo Sponsored by Texas A & M University Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center Captive Breeding and Husbandry of the Horned Guan

Michael Dalton Passive Speech Research, Language and the Animal Mind

Ron Mazzoni A Practical Guide to Feeding Softbills

Bill Van Patten On Walkabout With Mike Fidler - the Gouldian Finch

Robin Shewokis Sponsored by The Bird Endowment Do Breeder Birds Benefit from Enrichment?

Jean Dubach, Ph.D. Sponsored by The Avicultural Society of Chicagoland Who's My Daddy? How Genetic Analysis Can Answer Basic Questions

Adrianne Mock Branching Out--Birds in the Classroom, at the Fair and at the Park

Greg E. Poulain Adoption Protocol for the Rehoming of Companion Birds

Laurie Baker No Bad Birds: Birds Instincts vs. Human Interpretation

Cheryl BurnsBird Folk Basics--Websites

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fly like an Eagle

Get a real bird's eye view of birds with this live cam of an eagle nest.

We view eagles as magnificent birds and as our nation's symbol of freedom, we admire their great strength and power. Most of us however will never get close to an eagle's nest, but thanks to technologoy you can now safely see inside an eagle's nest.

As of this writing this particular pair of eagles has three eggs in its nest. The size of the nest is huge and watching the parents take care of their babies is awesome. It has probably taken them several years to get their nest this size.

What a great site to share with your children too. They will love watching the eagles and reading some of the information on the site to learn more about eagles.

The Webcam is only available during daylight and it can take several minutes to load on your computer depending on your Internet connection. Be patient. Also, don't be suprised if you get several popups as the site loads.