Saturday, April 30, 2005

What do you call those eggs anyway?

Ever wonder what a bird's eggs are called other than an egg? Or what to call a baby bird in the nest other than a baby bird? Or what exactly is a fledgling? Well, here the scoop:

Fertilized eggs in the nest are a clutch.

Newly hatched babies are hatchlings

And when the feathers start to appear they are pullets or cockerels.

And when they get their flight feathers they are called fledglings.

After they actually have their first flight they become Juveniles.

And usually after a year, or when they mature, they are then adults.


How Safe are those Bird Fairs?

Most everyone who has owned and loved parrots for any length of time, has either attended a bird fair, or at least has heard what a bird fair is all about. I think the article linked here (click on the title above "How Safe are those Bird Fairs") is very good food for thought the next time you decide to attend the local bird fair. If you do decide to attend, at the very least make sure you know the appropriate protocol to follow to protect yourself and your birds from any undesirable germs you might pick up while at the fair. These diseases are not something to be taken lightly. Don't be fooled into thinking only the birds for sale have germs either, because every person walking around is spreading those nasties on the bottoms of their shoes, on their clothes, and especially on their hands, so no bird cage, bird toy, or bird supply, can be guaranteed safe from exposure. And pay special attention to the vendors who have birds out on open playstands and who let anyone who walks up, touch and play with their birds, and never even mentions disinfecting their hands. Be wondering how many other bird fair birds they touched and handled before handing this bird and how many of those other birds were carrying a disease. And if you do buy a bird fair bird, take it for a complete vet checkup ASAP and do quarantine it from any birds you already have for a minimum of 30 days, 90 days is better.

Simon Posted by Hello
"Simon" Quaker takes her PPN job very seriously. As a current survivor of Fatty Liver Disease and Thyroid tumors, Simon believes in treating chronic problems with both traditional medicine when appropriate, as well as holistic/natural products when possible. Simon is always on the lookout for the best diets, healthiest foods, and natural treatments for birds with health problems. You can read Simon's story here

Friday, April 29, 2005

MistyGrey Posted by Hello
"MistyGrey" Congo African Grey a survivor of a former abusive home, works hard to find all birds a great loving home, and worries over the birds who are lost and in need of being found. Read more about MistyGrey here

Toby Posted by Hello
"Toby" Congo African Grey is a curious and fun loving guy, and loves checking out new toys and foods and is a natural for giving everyone an honest review of things.

Monday, April 25, 2005


PJ Posted by Hello
"PJ" Blue Front Amazon reporting for Safety and Warnings. He’s always on the lookout for anything unsafe or scarey.


Punkin Posted by Hello
"Punkin" Quaker, light on his feet and fast as can be, ready for any scoop.

Patti Posted by Hello
"Patti" Quaker who suffers from severe arthritis, is a very determined PPN Reporter and doesn't let her disabilities slow her down.


Taz Posted by Hello
"Taz" Green Cheek Conure is in charge of subscriptions and she is very good at it. No one says no to the Taz

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Shasta Posted by Hello
"Shasta" is a Yellow Nape Amazon and as a big lover of attention, is the perfect Customer Service Rep leading the PPN Staff in songs and rhymes to keep everyone happy.

Girlie Posted by Hello
"GirlieGirl" is an Umbrella Cockatoo and the junior member of the staff. Cookiebird has taken her under her wing to teach her the proper way to be an authortative cockatoo and rule the PPN newsroom.

Cookie Posted by Hello
"CookieBird" is an Umbrella Cockatoo and the senior member of the PPN Staff. She makes sure there is no slacking by any staffer and makes sure everyone understands her authority.

Meet the Staff

Meet some of the Staff behind Parrot Press News:

"CookieBird" Cockatoo - Editor in Chief
"GirlieGirl" Cockatoo - Editor in Training
"Shasta" Amazon - Customer Service
"Taz" Green Cheek Conure - Subscriptions
"Patti" & "Punkin" Quakers - Hot Spot Reporters
"PJ" Amazon - Safety and Warnings
"Toby" African Grey - New Product Reviews
"MistyGrey" African Grey - Lost & Found
"Simon" Quaker - Holistic and Natural Product Reviews
"Debra" - The Staff's Human

The Beginning!

There has to be a beginnig right? Right! Well, welcome to the beginning of the Parrot Press News Weblog Journal.

What is the Parrot Press News Journal you ask. Well, it's a Blog, it's a Weblog, it's a Journal, it's an interactive Forum of sorts, it's a Live Newsletter, but most of all, we hope it's a place with lots and lots of great parrot and bird information, tips, takes, and talkings.

We will share links to other fabulous bird and parrot sites as well as great sites devoted to nature and the wonderous delights that lie therein. A sharing place for stories of our pet birds, our wild native birds, as well as other creatures great and small. We will showcase bird products reviews, introduce new pet products, and share the warnings of the not so good, whether new or not. A top priority will also be to spread the word of the many dangers to our beloved feathered friends that lurk everywhere.

So let's begin!