Saturday, October 07, 2017

The Spicy Scents of Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year.  The rich colors of the trees and the spicy scent of the air.

I love bringing the outdoor crisp smells into my own home.  However living with birds makes me choose safety first.

Scented candles, potpourri, scented pine cones, table top and plug-in air fresheners, and so on and so on, all make a quick easy addition to the scent of fall in your home.


Those store bought goodies are not usually good for or safe to have around your bird.  Many of these ready-make items use some essential oils and these can be toxic to your bird.

Don't fret though, because it's so easy to make your own personal fall fragrances that are safe for your birds, other pets, or anyone with breathing issues or asthma.

It doesn't take much time either and can be quite fun to create what makes you smile in the morning.  Gather together some fresh or bottled spices and let your imagination swirl.

Standard fall spices include ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks, cloves, pumpkin pie spice, and nutmeg.  Those make a good base to start with, then add anything your heart enjoys such as orange slices, lemon slices, or apples, and such.
When you have the right mix, use a small warming pot such as used for potpourri, or even a small size coffee pot that has a warm setting, or even just a small size sauce pot (NO TEFLON), add some water to your mixture and enjoy.  NOTE:  Never leave your warming pot unattended and especially a pot on the stove to prevent burning and safety issues.

As the liquid mix of water, spices and fruits warm, they emit the cozy feeling of fall that can last for hours or all day depending on how strong your scents are and how long you leave the warmer on.

Another quick idea is to create an arrangement by inserting cloves into oranges, sprinkle pine cones with spices, add cinnamon sticks, and set among fresh cut pine branches.

Enjoy experimenting with the different scents and amounts you like, and find what you love best.

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